ASA-2019-00275 – VMware: Hypervisor-Specific Mitigations for MDS vulnerabilities

vCenter Server, ESXi, Workstation, and Fusion updates include Hypervisor-Specific Mitigations for MDS speculative execution vulnerabilities. A malicious user must have local access to a virtual machine and the ability to execute code to infer data otherwise protected by architectural mechanisms from another virtual machine or the hypervisor itself via MDS vulnerabilities. There are two known attack vector variants for MDS at the Hypervisor level: Sequential-context attack vector (Inter-VM): a malicious VM can potentially infer recently accessed data of a previous context (hypervisor thread or other VM thread) on either logical processor of a processor core. Concurrent-context attack vector (Inter-VM): a malicious VM can potentially infer recently accessed data of a concurrently executing context (hypervisor thread or other VM thread) on the other logical processor of the Hyper-Threading-enabled processor core.